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Les commentaires : aherraez


Congratulations Mouska.... finally top-75 ... !!! Good job!


ufff 43050 at 19:42... I'm sorry mouska ... you are on the edge of 75th place.... !!! But flags are my special game....


129 eme ... I'm proud of my position... Keep into top-150 it's my objective... These tournaments are amazing!!! Greetings from spain....


We're from Barcelona.... It's a good idea to know where are participants come from...


thanxs for your comment Cousinhub.... We're from Spain... This web page is a great way for learn geography. I think there are many people from another countries. It will be interesting to put our flag in our profile...


Mision accomplished!! Top-75 (70eme)... I know this is a good tournament for me... and I get a good position. My daughter iria (10 years) was 583 eme... but the most important is that she knows more flags that her teacher.... jejeje... Congratulations all participates!!!


Administrador great job! COngratulations! I'm impatient to start again. I'm with my partners... is it posible to keep this 300 eme classement during the tournament??? Thank you so much.... I have two new participants for next edition... my daughter and my co-worker.... thanks a lot!


Yes Bluebel... one or two months ago I played this tournament without time... it was great!!! But I hope more tournaments like that... In spain's city I was in 125 th position... But my mouse and my computer were very slowly... If spain's city tournament were without time I think I'd be into the 100º position...Thanks bluebel.


El año pasado acabé en el puesto 69... y este año voy el 183... Más participantes y más dificultad... pero aguanto entre los 200 primeros. Sencillamente esto de los torneos genial!!! Una bonita manera de aprender y competir...
Una sugerencia... pongan mas torneos donde se prime la exactitud en localizar sin tener en cuenta el tiempo... porque muchos tenemos conexiones más lentas que los demás y es injusto... dado la imposibilidad de hacer un torneo §§§ el mismo ordenador para todos creo que es lo más justo, realmente ahí se ven los mejores en geografía. Gracias.

Last year I finished 69º... In this tournament I'm in the 183 rd position. Really I enjoy this tournaments...It's a good way to learn geography and make a competition. Thanks.
Only one suggestion, Can you make more tournaments without time? Only point the city in the best place and not time running... I think it's the best way to know who is really the best in geography... We don't have the same computer or mouse and these is an important reason to get points... I think it's imposible to do a real tournament and this would be a good way to show who is the best ... Maybe a world cities could be a great tournament in this style...
Grettings to all the partnerts...


I think connection is the most important thing to get more points. FOr me is imposible to do 30 capitals in 30 seconds with my computer. I wish to do a tournament in the same computer for all the players...


Bluebel hablo en inglés para que todo el mundo me entienda. EL francés no lo hablo. De todos modos §§§ el traductor todo el mundo me puede entender no? Saludos y suerte en el torneo.


Thanxs serginho, i'm from spain... I think would be nice to put our country's flag next to our name ... I think there are many nacionalities in this tournament...


In this tournament: 1st objective be in top 100 , 2n objective be on the final list top-60 (see my name) and 3rd objective be in top-50 and win 150 pts... I think the objective 1 is easy for me, the 2nd difficult and the 3rd more difficult... Good luck for all the players... !!!


Finally I'm on the top 200... and I know the petit couronne... I'm surprised about the few participants in this test. Maybe the holidays? I continue 84 eme in the global classement ...


I'm from Spain, and tournaments like "paris" are difficult for me. I'm waiting for sud-america geo quizz... I hope to keep into the 100ème place...


Delete the points every month? I think maybe every year is the best option... and maybe an ATP tennis exemple is the best... you must deffense your points the next year in the similar competition...


It's a great idea this tournament in two days. And what about the points we have in every tournament??? Maybe we can organizated a champion like the tennis ATP TOUR. Get points in every tournament and add it. When the tournament repeats you must to deffense your points... it the last step to be the best tournament and web ... thanks for the game and sorry for my bad english.

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