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Les commentaires : panda56

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3 083

Temporary classification....classement provisoire
in our new french club.....dans notre neuf club francois
@ Kyz....merci beaucoup !!....j'ai vue.
@Chrysss.......merci beaucoup aussi toi ....très aimable !!!!!!
140 k.....c'est domnage pour moi !!!! hier 8 fois 138/139k.....GRRRR!!!
mon vieux record ici c'etait 124k....a great improvement !!!!!
later i'll try again !!

3 083

Hi Venise !!
Hi Jideh !!!
@Marietyrol........un éclair !!! wow !!!

3 083

@Catounette......je ne vue pas ton score de 115000 !!!!!!

3 083

Challengers !!!
Good morning !!!
Bonjour !!!!
@Chrysss.........bravissima !!! i was sure !!! the tournement will finished tomorrow at 14.00....but the block of the english site is a big problem , we'll see .
@Kyz et Catounette........SUPER !!!!! nous allons vers le niveau !!!!
ON Y VA !!!!!
@Edelweisss.......great !!!!!!! you are leading your team like a lion !!!!!
Just for fun ......at this time :
edelweiss-leeraner-yassine 323000
catounette-panda-kyz 332000

3 083

Domnage !!!......deu fois 139k !!!....140k c'est ensorcelé !!!!!
@Chrysss...bienvenue......140k c'est un score aussi pour toi !!!! Bonne chance !!!!
Bonnenuit Challengers !!!!!.......a demain !!!! have great fun !!!!

3 083

@Catounette,,,,très bien....très bien !!!!!!!!!
Tu es a très rapide joeur !!!......surement plus rapide de moi !!
On y va tous ensemble vers le top !!!!

3 083

Challengers !!!
The problems in the english site are not finished .
For everything about the tournement will use this messagerie.

3 083

Welldone !!!! tu fait courir ton cohequipiers !!!!.......lol !!!!
Ie pense le jeux junior ce n'est pas utile !!

3 083

@Caramelo....Grumer 54000...flo 0......sorry!
@Kapucine,,,,,,,,excuse moi......".lo cambusa " ??

3 083

@Kapucine....après 70/80k ce jeux c'est passionant !!!!
j'ai fait 3 fois 138k....GRRRR !!!!!!!......I WANT 140K !!!!!

3 083

@Kyz.....this is better !!!.....more various !!!!

3 083

@Kapucine......tu peu ecrire en francais , je lire bièn !!
je ecrive terrible !!! lol !!
compliments pour ton italian !!!
@ Kyz..........tu es un champion !!! je sai !!! ON Y VA !!!!!!!

3 083

@Catounette......yesterday it's happened the same to me !!
Of course i'll keep your new account in my preferities to register your scores ..........so no problem for the competition hoping your account will be ok !!

3 083

I'm seeing the team Snowwhite-Yassine -Leeraner running to the clouds.........welldone !!!!!
But when my cohequipier will ready .............
@Bluesteel .....great score !!!.......i told you !!!!

3 083

Fantastique !!!!
Je vue ......Dark-Panda !!!!
Hy Dark-Panda !! Je suis Panda.......rouge dans le site francais et jaune dans le site anglais !! looool !!

3 083

C'est fantastique !!!!!
Catounette.....ton Cavalier c'est ici !!!!!

3 083

@Kyz.....bravissimo !!!!!!
malheuresement notre Dame Catounette have the devices KO !!!!!
Nous esperons..........

3 083

Mais Kapucine !!
Une geo-Dame ,comme toi , surement faira très bon scores dans ce jeux !!!! je suis sur !!!!!
Bonne chance !!!!!!

3 083

you are a champion !!!!!
If you want , you can do great enterprises !!!!

3 083

@Oasisss.....welldone !!!!!

3 083

@Leeraner....it's only first impression !!!
i'm not french but i play this map without problems !!!
For exemple.... i played Geo-Phyisque d'Europe in deutsch , italian french ecc ....with the same scores !!!

3 083

@Bluesteel ....i remember your great scores in Geo-Reunion.....this is easier....be sure !!!!!

3 083

A little suggestion for the people who doens't know this map :
after the first question , if you click on " jouer sans notice" , you 'll can play fastly !!

3 083

Hallo Challengers !!!!
This is the map for the final of the Dand C tournement .
I know that the non-french talkers could ha ve some problems here , but we already played this map and we are a bi-language Club !!!
Without forgetting that this is the bast map to learn the geography !!!
Good luck !!!!!
Bonne chance !!!!!!
Sorry but , now , is the player who talks :
ma charmant Dame Catounette it's a great honour to play at your side !!!! my arm is ready for you and with our fantastic ecuyer KYZ we'll go to make great enterprises !!!!!!!

3 083

Hi Jideh !!!!!

3 083

WOW Esther !!!
Ton record dans ce map tient du prodige !!! 160k !!!!!

3 083

Let's go Grumer !!!!!

3 083

Welldone Venise !!!!

3 083

Fantastique Chrysss !!!!!!
Chapeau bas !!!!
You're a CHAMPION !!!

3 083

Hy Bluesteel !!!
Thanks a lot !!!
but also Grumer have a great score here !!!
My job is finished in three maps , only in Czech and Osterreich i'll can do something of good .
Anyway good good luck !!! you're playing very very well !!!!

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