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Les commentaires : panda56

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3 083

you're right !!! c'est jeux c'est trés facile !!! vitesse c'est diabolique !! et en peu de fortune c'est necessaire !!
Bonne chance !!

3 083

Trés bién Kyzo !!!!
Grazie mille !!!!!
Great your score !!!!! really great !!!!

3 083

Finalement mon record !!!!!
Let's go AV !!!!!

3 083

Merci beaucoup mon ami bretonne....buonanotte !!!!!

3 083

Hello Kyzolive !!!!!
Always happy to see you !!!!!!

3 083

Great Ma67x !!!
This is really your map !!! Bravissimo !!!!

3 083

Supér Maxou !!!!!!

3 083

Merci Maxou for your fairplay !!
Ma67x c'est surement un champion !!
Mais toi aussi !!

3 083

merci Maxou !!!!!!!
sure lès Geo Genial will play very well........bonne chance !!!!!!!

3 083

nous sommes très nombreux !!!!! très bièn !!!!!!
Geo Genial.......?????

3 083

it's a beautiful map.........we'll see next days !!!

3 083

hello Moorea !!!!
i haven't time ....next days !!

3 083

What a Great duel between Grumer and Dormitaine !!!!!
A lot of Challengers in the high positions !!!! and not only french people !!!! Very well !!!!

3 083

@Grumer....very very well !!!!

3 083

Hello Challengers !!!
There are already 2 great duels.......good luck !!!!!!

3 083

Hi Jideh !!!!

3 083

sorry !!! i read french but i'm not able to write it , so i tell you only this :

3 083

@Arwen.....again friendly battle , but this a game good for you.........don't forget Asia !!!!!!
Good luck !!!

3 083

bonjour et bonne chance !!!

3 083

Bonjour Edelweisss !!!!

3 083

Merci Flo!!!!
good luck !!!!

3 083

Merci Veniz !!!!!!
Have a great Swiss National Day !!!! you and all the swiss friends !!!

3 083

Hello ClaudiM !!

3 083

@Yes Arwen !!! very hard map !!! i don't play here !!.....i'm tired !! You was great in Geo-phisyque and me are coming from China with a great score , now i stop here , therefore the last chance here is for you , good luck !!!

3 083


3 083


3 083

so i understand the strange radio news :" big flash flood in the algerian Sahara "....i'm seeing you !! but i've only red wine....is it the same ?

3 083

Grazie Edelweisss !!!......i like these quiz !!!

3 083

Good luck Leeraner !!!

3 083

Where are you Edelweiss ? My dromedary is ready !!!! but are you sure to be without water ??
@Grumer....i've spent here a lot of time !! much more than the others 4 games...only now i understand something !!

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