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Les commentaires : panda56

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3 083

Buongiorno MarieTyrol !!!

3 083

Bonjour Venise !!!!!!
We've seen THE GREAT DUEL yesterday on GB......WHAT EMOTIONS !!!!

3 083

Already a great friendly duel !!!!! It will be a great fun !!!!
Great greetings to Australia football team !!!!!

3 083

Hello Challengers !!!!! have a great fun here !!!!
@Klettersteig........i'm very happy to play with you........a friendly duel Italy-Australia is a beautiful novelty....GOOD LUCK !!!!!

3 083

Hello Kyzolive !!!
buongiorno en italian....but at this time is better buonasera=bonsoir.......i am 77th and you are 87th.....we don't love zone games !!!!

3 083

congratulations !!!!! great score !!!!!

3 083

GREAT...GREAT ...GRUMER !!!!!!!!!

3 083

Great score !!!!

3 083

Let's go !!!!!

3 083

it' s always a pleasure to play with you,,,,,i haven't chance against you but it's a great fun !!!!
Good luck!!!

3 083

Bonjour Edelweiss !!!!!
Welldone !!!

3 083

@Jideh........thanks !!! this is one of my best games !!!
@MarieTyrol......happy to see you !!!!

3 083

Kyzolive.......this game is much more easier than Cities of

3 083


3 083

Challengers! Bonjour et bonne dimanche!!!!!
I am seeing a beautiful great battle between us , it's wonderful!!!!!
@Kyzolive : really a GREAT SCORE ,congrats!!!!!

3 083

@Steelblue . a great welcome to you!!!!!
Good luck for your first tournement with the Challengers!!

3 083

WOW!!!!!! We are seeing Snowwhite dans le scores du jour!!!! Bienvenu'!!!

3 083

Ciao Szergejke!!!!
It' s always beautiful to play at the same time with you!!!!!

3 083

Bonjour Veniz et Caramelo!!!!
Happy to be here with you!!!!!

3 083

Good morning Challengers!!!!
Happy luck to all !!!!!

3 083

Yes tosMow , i dont know you, but it's right.

3 083

Hi Jideh!!!!!
Hi Challengers!!!!!!
Great Szergejke!!!!!

3 083

@Moorea : happy to see you coming from India have you read my message in Challengers member area?
We see early with the Challengers!!!!

3 083

@Arwen : you are running like a TGV ,BRAVISSIMA!!!!

3 083

@Moorea, i have only a short time in the late evening and isn't easy to play after a long work day!!!!
@Szergejke you are without doubt the stronger player of this club , i think you will be defeated (it' only a possibility ) in a very difficult precision game like Japan,China, various states of Usa ecc. CIAO!!!!

3 083

Hello Szergejke!! You are running like a jet,bravissimo!!!

3 083

I am seeing a lot of Challengers here,good luck to all, un bravo a Szergejke and a very friendly greeting to Jideh.

3 083

@Szergejke you always surprise me with your great scores,BRAVO!!! About the two stars Jideh is on right,i paid 10 euros,i will play more on this site.

3 083

@Szergejke you run too fast for me!!!! I see you later.

3 083

Hi Klettersteig!!!! i early meet you somewhere in the world.

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