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Les commentaires : rodolfo

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Hi my dear alzor!
I am sure you`ll beat my score! Don`t forget I was fighting here long time much more than you. I am happy that I could change the game because at the end I was even dreaming of these English Citys.
Good luck!


O_Malley I cannot find words for your performance. Since a few weeks I am fighting and sweating here to improve my record of 184600 without any success! Sometimes I have the feeling I`m handling my mouse quite fast but compare with you I am a snail. For me your 190540 points are extraterrestrial! My deep respect to this fantastic performance!!!


Hi alzor
Thank you very much it`s a great honour to have your attention! I`ve noticed already that this is a difficult game. The 100000 I reached quite fast but then it was hard to improve only 100 points and I am still far away from 102000! We`ll see. Good luck to you also!!


1.44s / 2.75km
1 prèciblage
Je suis heureux maintenant! Bonne nuit tout le monde!!


Hi alzor
That hurts very much! Sorry I forgot to look at the stats because I couldn`t believe what happened (1 Point!!). I only know that I had 1préciblage. Next time, I hope there will be a next time, I will write down all the stats. Now I need a rest! Good luck to all players!!!


hi alzor
thank you very much! It`s really not bad but there is still somebody with a higher score!!!!! Yes I am very ambitious but the most fascinating thing for me is that you reached your score within about one week, right? Congratulation I am your biggest fan!
Good luck furthermore!


Bravo alzor et Celced pour cette performance j'ai su que ça devait arriver. Je m'incline!


alzor please take your time!!!!!!!


Merci beaucoup, cricrounet!! Je suis très heureux d'être premier. Je sais bien que ce plaisir sera probablement de courte durée, c`est pourquoi je l'apprécie beaucoup. Je crois que boris 30 et Alzor etc n'ont pas encore véritablement commencé. Je vous souhaite bonne chance et merci encore pour les félicitations!


Murcia, thank you very much for your posting. Calm down it`s not your fault. It`s my fault. Somehow I can understand Boris30, it`s surely suspicious when somebody after only one day reach 196k.I am sorry that I`ve brought confusion in this forum. I assure you that rodolfo is only rodolfo as well as Murcia is only Murcia! Would be nice when we also get a comment from aguadillo so everybody can sleep well again and enjoy the game!


Boris30, no reason to get angry! It`s true yesterday was my first day to play that game on this website. But I am surely not a beginner on the German website ( My name there: BirchlerSchule ). OK??!

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